Local Climate Change Snapshot

A starting point for users to get a quick sense of climate impacts for your location.

Annual Averages

Explore projected annual averages of maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation for your location.

Extreme Weather (beta)

Explore extreme temperatures for past weather and present day.

Maps of Projected Change

Explore maps of projected long-term (30 years) changes in annual average temperature and precipitation.

Extreme Precipitation Events

Explore changes in intesity and frequency of extreme precipitation events for your location.

Extreme Heat

Explore projected frequency and duration of extreme heat days and warm nights for your location.

Sea Level Rise - CalFloD-3D

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Explore maps of inundation location and depths for San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento - San Joaquin Delta and the California coast during near 100 year storm events coupled with projected Sea Level Rise scenarios.


View timelapse animation and monthly averages of projected Snow Water Equivalent, a common measurement for snowpack.


Annual averages of area burned for combination of 4 GCMs, 2 RCPs and 3 population growth scenarios.

Cooling Degree Days and Heating Degree Days

Explore projected changes in Heating Degree Days and Cooling Degree Days, which are a common proxy for energy needed to heat and cool buildings

Stream Flow

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Charts of VIC routed and bias corrected streamflows driven by LOCA downscaled temperature and precipitation.

Extended Drought

Explore projections of temperature, precipitation and a set of VIC variables from two 30 year drought periods.

Hourly Projections of Sea Level

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Explore hourly sea level projections at selected Tide Gauge Locations along the California coast.