Select Download Format

Select Spatial Extent

Select One
Supported formats - Zipped Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML, WKT with 1 point/line/polygon per file. If file has multiple features, data will be returned for full geographic extent of file.
Supported formats - Zipped Shapefile, GeoJSON, KML, WKT with multiple points/lines/polygons per file. There is a maximum limit of 10 lines/polygons or 20 points per file. Supported formats - CSV with 2 columns labeled Latitude, Longitude. There is a maximum limit of 20 points per file.

Once you complete your selection, the button below will be highlighted. Click on it to go to the next step.

Select Series & Download

  • Table below shows a list of series for all climate variables, scenarios and models combinations available for this dataset on the Cal-Adapt API. For most datasets Cal-Adapt API has data for 4 priority GCMs (HadGEM2-ES, CNRM-CM5, CanESM2, MIROC5) or 10 California GCMs identified as having a good simulation of California's historical climate. Details of selecting GCMs for impact studies are described in (Pierce et al, 2018). Additional models are available in NetCDF format on Cal-Adapt Data Server.
  • Use the Filters below to reduce the list of series displayed in the table. Select each series you want to download and click on the download button. There is a maximum limit of 10 series per download.
  • Additional temporal and spatial aggregations options are available for tabular downloads. Please click on the Help link for more information on aggregation options.
  • Click on the Info link next to each timeseries to get more information about Data Units and Spatial Reference System.
Filter list of series in table
Select aggregation options
  • A majority of timeseries on Cal-Adapt are daily. Some climate variables are available at a monthtly or annual temporal resolution. Select a Temporal Aggregation: None option will return data at original temporal resolution.
  • Some combinations of Temporal Resolution and Temporal Aggregation options may not return valid data. E.g. do not choose Temporal Aggregation: Seasonal option for annual timeseries.
  • For select climate variables choosing the Imperial option converts original data units into imperial units before download. E.g. units for temperature datasets can be Celsius or Kelvin depending on data provider. Choosing the Imperial option will convert any temperature dataset to Fahrenheit. Please use table below to find the conversions.

Precipitation, SWEmminches